Céad Míle Fáilte
The Ancient Order of Hibernians is America’s oldest Irish Catholic Fraternal Organization founded concurrently in the coal-mining region of Pennsylvania and New York City in May,1836. The Order can trace its roots back to a series of similar societies that existed in Ireland for more than 300 years. Today the AOH exists in America, Canada, Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland, however, while the … Learn More...


Membership in the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc. is confined to men 16 years and older who are practicing Roman Catholics of Irish birth or descent and who are citizens of … Learn More...
Officers & Appointees

Listed are the 2024-2025 officers for the North Carolina AOH. Use the contact page to get in touch with the board. State PresidentMike LenahanState Vice PresidentNed … Learn More...
Division Directory

This page lists details for every active AOH division in North Carolina. Members planning to attend a meeting outside their home division should confirm the meeting details … Learn More....