Urgent Action: Hyde Amendment

US Bishops : Urgent Action needed to prevent taxpayer funding for abortion in COVID Relief Bill – contact your Senators now.

Last Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a new COVID relief bill, called the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which addresses the needs of many vulnerable people related to the pandemic. Unfortunately, unlike previous COVID relief bills, this bill appropriates billions of taxpayer dollars that are not subject to longstanding, bi-partisan pro-life protections that are needed to prevent this funding from paying for abortions. The Senate is expected to vote this week.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops wrote to Congress to express its support for additional COVID-19 relief that prioritizes the poor and vulnerable and its strong opposition to any taxpayer dollars going to abortion as part of this legislation, saying that the Hyde Amendment policy must be included before this bill moves forward. Your voice is critically needed today to tell your senators to support amendments that prevent abortion funding, and to work for their inclusion in the final bill.

Take Action – this link provides an easy method to send an email. 

Background: What is the Hyde Amendment and Why is it Important?

Currently, there is no US law that prohibits federal funding (i.e. your tax dollars) from being used to support abortion. To prohibit federal funding of abortion therefore, every financial appropriation of Congress must include a prohibition on funds for abortion – that is the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment prohibits federal funding of domestic abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. The Hyde Amendment has been credited with saving nearly 2.5 million lives since its enactment in 1976. Until now, The Hyde amendment has enjoyed strong bipartisan support. On February 27, the US House of Representatives passed the $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan of 2021, without including the Hyde Amendment protections.

More on the Hyde Amendment 

Pray to Protect Human Life! January 21-29, 2021

Please join with our Bishops and Dioceses across the country, praying to Protect Human Life.

9 Days for Life is a novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.



Meet Our Virtual Keynote Speaker: 
Melissa Ohden

Melissa Ohden is the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion in 1977. Despite the initial concerns regarding Melissa’s future after surviving the attempt to end her life at approximately seven gestation, she has not only survived but thrived.

She is the founder and director of The Abortion Survivors Network and is a Master’s level prepared Social Worker. She’s the author of “You Carried Me: A Daughter’s Memoir.”

Fulfilling the purpose that she believes God set out for her when He saved her from the certain death of the abortion attempt, Melissa is truly a voice for the voiceless. Melissa and her husband, Ryan, live in Kansas City, Missouri, with their two daughters, Ava and Olivia.

MiraVia Mission

Respecting and affirming life from the moment of conception, MiraVia is a safe haven and source of hope for pregnant mothers and their children. Invoking a Christ-centered approach inspired by the examples of Mary and Joseph, MiraVia helps young families move toward a new life of hopeful, independent, and healthy living and educates the broader community on the importance of fostering a culture of life.

Online Registration Linkhttps://miraviabanquet.lpages.co

AOH Voting Resources

A Comparison of the Republican and Democratic Platforms

Where do the Candidates for President Stand on Abortion?

Where do the Candidates for Vice President Stand on Abortion?

2020 Elections – North Carolina Senate Scorecard

Respect Life Month

USCCB Priorities at the Polls

As Catholics approach the polls, we are asked to weigh many important issues. The U.S. bishops have reaffirmed that “the threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority because it directly attacks life itself, because it takes place within the sanctuary of the family, and because of the number of lives destroyed.”[1] While they did warn us not to “dismiss or ignore other serious threats to human life and dignity such as racism, the environmental crisis, poverty, and the death penalty,” they did give priority to upholding and defending our brothers’ and sisters’ most basic right—to live.

Freedom for All Ireland Christmas Appeal

As we approach the holiday season the AOH is beginning this year’s Christmas Appeal. Our National Officers are asking for a commitment from everyone to participate and support FFAI with a donation or fundraising event. Please donate and help the AOH and LAOH make the difference in occupied northeast Ireland. Help make Freedom for All Ireland, not an aspiration or endeavor but the reality for those Irish people still denied it; Don’t let them down!!!

I am counting on the support of Hibernian organizations across North Carolina to make a meaningful contribution to this year’s annual Christmas appeal. I would also hope that some Hibernian Brothers will make individual donations as well. The National FFAI Chair Martin Galvin has just received the special premiums or gifts for $1000 donors to the Christmas Appeal. This year the premium is a mounted bodhran (see attached photo), specially made for AOH or LAOH donors by Tyrone ex-prisoners. Your FFAI contributions mean a great deal and these specially made premiums show how highly we are regarded in Ireland. Our donations to carefully chosen charities through monies raised by the FFAI Annual Christmas Appeal, alongside our political and educational campaigns, arethe cornerstone of our FFAIinitiative.The National FFAI Chair Martin Galvin has just received the special premiums or gifts for $1000 donors to the Christmas Appeal. This year the premium is a mounted bodhran (see attached photo), specially made for AOH or LAOH donors by Tyrone ex-prisoners. Your FFAI contributions mean a great deal and these specially made premiums show how highly we are regarded in Ireland. Our donations to carefully chosen charities through monies raised by the FFAI Annual Christmas Appeal, alongside our political and educational campaigns, are the cornerstone of our FFAI initiative.

Brexit threatens an economic catastrophe across Ireland but especially in occupied northeast Ireland. History shows us that in bad economic times that it is the Nationalist communities which suffer the loss of economic opportunities. Already the stage is set for a return to the conflicts of the past, the refusal to adopted an Irish Language Act, both Scotland and Wales have language acts. The Stormont Assembly does not function because of unionist bigotry which creates an opportunity for direct rule by England. Britain still denies truth and justice to the families of victims murdered by the crown or loyalist agents in places like Ballymurphy or Loughinisland. Instead of opening the door to Irish national freedom, Britain and the DUP want to nail that door shut. America can make a difference, but only if the AOH and LAOH, as the Voice of the Irish in America, lead the way.

2019 AOH & LAOH North Carolina State Convention October 11-12, 2019

2019 AOH & LAOH North Carolina State Convention & Major Degree
2019 NC AOH State Convention Registration form (1472 downloads )

Host City: Wilmington
Host Division: New Hanover County AOH Division 1
Dates: October 11-12, 2019 (Friday – Saturday) with a Major Degree on Saturday at 1pm
Hotel: Homewood Suites Wilmington/Mayfaire, 6732 Swan Mill Rd, Wilmington, NC
Hotel Phone: 910-791-7272

AOH Hotel Registration Link: https://homewoodsuites3.hilton.com/en/hotels/north-carolina/homewood-suites-by-hilton-wilmington-mayfaire-nc-ILMMTHW/index.html?SEO_id=GMB-HW-ILMMTHW

Use Group Code – AOH

Hotel Room Rates:
1 King Studio Suite: $149/night + tax (2-night min. $336.74/2 nights)
2 Queen 1 BR Suite: $159/night + tax (2-night min. $359.34/2 nights)
Deadline for the group rate is Monday, August 26th

Convention Registration Fee: $25 ($30 after 8/26)
AOH Member Banquet Fee: $35 ($40 after 8/26)
Box Lunch Saturday: $10
Major Degree: $35 (Paid to your home division’s Financial Secretary)
Note: the Shamrock Degree is a prerequisite for the Major Degree.

Make checks payable to: New Hanover County AOH Division 1

Send registration and checks to:

Jim O’Reilly – Financial Secretary
304 St. Kitts Way
Winnabow, NC 28479

Email questions to: Frank Reck at effeks@live.com

Convention Schedule:
Friday 10/11/2019
3:00p: Registration begins
– Friday evening pizza and movie event included in registration cost.
Saturday 10/12/2019
9:00a–12:00p: Saturday Convention Session
12:00p–1:00p: Lunch
1:00p–3:30p: Major Degree
5:00p: Mass at St. Mark’s Church, Wilmington
– St. Mark’s is at 1011 Eastwood Rd, Wilmington, 1 mile from the hotel
6:30p–7:30p: Cocktail hour in St. Mark’s Social Hall
7:30p–10:00p: Banquet – traditional Irish Dinner catered by Sweet & Savory
– The banquet will feature music by Ewe’s Tree; a cash bar will be available

March 2019 declared Irish American Heritage Month in North Carolina

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has declared March 2019 as Irish American Heritage month!

Saint Patrick’s Day is just around the corner and our divisions will be holding events throughout the entire month promoting Irish American Heritage. Keep an eye on our Facebook page this month for frequent posts featuring various Irish Americans.

AOH Southern States Response to Hurricane Florence

Worthy Brothers All,

Over the last several years our divisions have aided hurricane victims in Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico, and right here in Lumberton NC. That tradition of responding with Christian Charity goes back even further to Hurricane Katrina when it hit New Orleans over a decade ago. Now we are faced with “Florence“ and the possibility that our local, state, and regional communities will need our aid. As our worthy State AOH President Pat Tracey has urged, over the next days and weeks we need to work together in UNITY, both within our own divisions and also with our other four NC AOH Divisions to be ready to serve those in need due to Hurricane Florence. Will be in touch and will need volunteers to step up to respond to whenever and wherever “Florence“ hits!

In our Motto “Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity“.

Brother John M.
NC Missions and Charity Chairman

St. Brendan the Navigator AOH Division 2 Annual St. Patrick’s Celebration Dinner and Show

The St. Brendan the Navigator AOH Division 2, is presenting their annual St. Patrick’s Celebration Dinner and Show on March 10, 2018 at Msgr. Kerin Family Center at St. Mark Catholic Church, 14740 Stumptown Rd., Huntersville, beginning at 6:30pm. Entertainment includes the kilt-kicking Celtic band, “Banna”, along with Irish Step Dancers. Admission includes a traditional Irish dinner and dessert. Admission is $25 for adults and $15 for children 12 years of age and under.  For more information contact Ray FitzGerald at (704) 992-1702 or aohmeck2@aol.com